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Same-Day Flowers & Gifts Delivery Service

##Your flowers and gifts will be hand-delivered that same day!
Choose from our collection of Florist Delivered flower arrangements, plants, gift baskets, balloons, or our other signature items, all designed to deliver a smile today! To view same-day flowers only, visit our same-day flower delivery page. 1-800-FLOWERS® - Your premier provider of flowers & gifts for all occasions. For same-day flower deliveries, order by the listed times (in your recipient's time zone): Extended same-day delivery available in select local markets. Check calendar for availability. *Times are subject to change.

Residential: Monday to Friday - 2:30 PM | Saturday - 1:00 PM | Sunday - 11:30 AM Business: Monday to Friday - 2:00 PM | Saturday - 1:00 PM | Sunday - 11:30 AM

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